With the changing needs of classrooms comes a need for the change in lesson plans. Integrated and interactive lesson plan enables pupils to learn from basic to complex level, promotes critical thinking and constructivist approach to learning. It provides a stage for the teachers to design different classroom experiences for students and gives importance to student-centered classroom. The same also helps to cater the linguistic diversity of the class as per New Education Policy 2020. The IILP is broadly divided into 3 stages viz. Presentation which entails explanation of the topic by the teacher, Controlled Practice which allows students to practice new content/ topic in a controlled environment and Free Practice which allows students to freely practice the content taught via different activities. It is a two-way roadmap for ensuring the subject-enrichment of the students along with allowing the teacher to understand what works best for each of their student.

Islam Berkemajuan
Thank you for the comprehensive and insightful content on this website. The information you’ve provided has been life-changing, and I’m truly grateful. I appreciate the diverse range of topics covered and the depth of knowledge shared. Keep up the fantastic work! Thanks!