Special issue Re-thinking Education in the Age of AI hosted on the Scopus-indexed Journal of e-Learning and Knowledge Society
Don’t miss the opportunity to publish your work in a Scopus-indexed journal without APC costs, and to present your article during the International Conference Re-thinking Education in the Age of AI organized at Chitkara University Punjab in November 2023.
Previous industrial revolutions have transformed the socio-economic structure of society. As occurred with the previous revolutions, the Fourth Industrial Revolution will gradually change the role of humans in the economy and society. The mainstreaming of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and the progress in the field of robotics will create new technologies fusing physical, digital and biological worlds, impacting all disciplines.
In discontinuity with the previous revolutions, the impact would not be confined to a specific productive sector, but conversely, it will affect all sectors, including the service industry. The Fourth Industrial Revolution will impact the employability of future generations, creating new opportunities and novel dividing lines. The reorganization of the labour market will primarily affect the employability of individuals from disadvantaged socio-economic backgrounds. The job figures most at risk are those in which the tasks allocated to the labour force are related to routinary, repetitive and predictable actions. In the upcoming socio-economic scenario, a share of the labour force would not be able to compete with the robots and software.
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In the wake of the 4th Industrial Revolution, policymakers and education providers need to re-think education vis-a-vis the mutation occurring in society and the labour market. Educators, psychologists – and experts in social sciences – should play a central role in assisting policymakers in transforming the challenges of AI, robotics and learning technologies into opportunities.
The Erasmus+ EDUREFORM project invites researchers to present quantitative/qualitative studies, theoretical/conceptual elaborations, and case studies offering innovative perspectives on education at the time of the 4th Industrial Revolution.
Articles may be on the following themes, but are not (strictly) limited to these:
Pedagogical practices and learning techniques.
Innovative teaching practices.
Learning technologies in education.
Multilingual digital teaching practices.
Promotion of critical, analytical, and creative skills in the classrooms.
Innovation in assessment methodologies.
Behavioral and cognitive studies on learners/trainers.
Socio-economic studies related to education and the 4th Industrial Revolution.

Important dates:
Deadlines for submission of the full article: Closed
Deadlines for submission of the full article: Closed
Language: all contributions/papers must be written in English.
Datasets: To achieve a better review process and to allow reproducibility we encourage authors to upload the dataset(s) used in the paper and to describe the analysis methodology, software, routines, libraries, etc.
Important documents to consult/complete before the submission:
Call for papers
Guidelines for authors
Article template
Special Issue Application Form
Statement on conflict of interest
Copyright Transfer and Publishing Conditions Acceptance
Registration of portal – Please note: authors must register in the Journal portal before submitting the article.