On the 2nd of October 2023, Savitribai Phule Pune University commemorated Gandhi Jayanti by hosting an impactful EDUREFORM in-service teacher training event. This occasion brought together 60 passionate educators from the esteemed K.K. Wagh Education Society, creating an atmosphere brimming with enthusiasm and dedication to improving education.

During this enlightening training session, participants had the privilege of delving into a diverse array of valuable tools and methodologies designed to enhance their teaching capabilities. Ms. Nidhi Waldia, an expert in her field, masterfully presented TEAL (Technology-Enhanced Active Learning), highlighting its potential to foster critical, creative, and analytical thinking skills among secondary school students. Dr. Vaibhav Jadhav, a seasoned debater and educator, explored the art of debate, demonstrating its power to cultivate effective communication and critical thinking. Mr. Mahesh Mali shared profound insights into the ‘Heads and Tails’ approach, unveiling a method that can be skillfully tailored to various subjects and learner profiles. Dr. Vidhyanand Khandagale enlightened the audience on the principles of Computational Thinking, offering a framework to nurture problem-solving skills and computational literacy. These EDUREFORM pedagogical tools not only broaden teachers’ horizons but also hold immense potential for enriching the educational experience of their students.

The atmosphere during the training was one of immense excitement and joy. Teachers rejoiced in their newfound knowledge, recognizing the transformative potential of these tools in their classrooms. The innovative educational strategies and methods presented ignited a sense of purpose and enthusiasm among the educators, inspiring them to explore new horizons in their teaching practices.
As the training concluded, it was evident that the event had been a profound and enlightening experience for all in attendance. Participants left with a renewed sense of purpose and a wealth of innovative tools and methods at their disposal. These dedicated educators were not only enriched but also inspired to implement these newfound strategies in their classrooms, fostering a brighter future for the students they serve and embodying the spirit of Gandhi Jayanti in their commitment to educational reform.