Shivaji University, Kolhapur
National Multi-Disciplinary Conference Andragogical Practices in Higher Education
18-19 November 2022

Shivaji University Kolhapur organized a National Multi-Disciplinary Conference on Andragogical Practices in Higher Education with Reference to NHEQF and NEP2020 on 18-19 November 2022. The event was co-financed by Shivaji University. The inaugural session was led by Prof. Dr. Srinivas Saidapur, former Vice-Chancellor of Karnataka University. Dignitaries watered a plant symbolizing the conference’s commencement. Prof. Dr. Pratibha Patankar felicitated guests, and Dr. V.S. Khandagale oriented participants. Prof. Dr. P.S. Patil, Pro-Vice Chancellor, shared insights, and the chief guest addressed “Remodeling Higher Education in the Light of NEP2020.”
The afternoon featured a talk by Prof. Dr. Nidhi Gulati on “Andragogical Perspectives: Lessons from the Field” and research paper presentations on Adult Learning, Motivation, NEP2020, and Andragogical Practices.
Day two began with Prof. Dr. P.S. Kamble discussing “Financing Higher Education in the Context of NEP2020,” followed by researcher presentations. Dr. Gupta led an interactive session on “Aspects of Adult Learner.”
The valedictory session on 19th October 2022 included a certificate distribution ceremony with Prof. Dr. Gupta as the chief guest. Dr. V.S. Khandagale presented the conference report, and participants gave feedback. Dr. Gupta delivered a concluding speech, and certificates were distributed, marking the successful organization of the National Conference by the Department of Education at Shivaji University, Kolhapur.
The Maharaja Sayajirao University of Baroda, Vadodara
International Conference Navigating Industrial Revolution 4.0
20 January 2023
Our first international event organised by The Maharaja Sayajirao University of Baroda (MSU Baroda) was a successful academic international conference that gathered researchers and academics from across the globe in an online and offline manner. The topic selected for the call for papers and the title of the conference was ‘Navigating Industrial Revolution 4.0: Unleashing strategies and manoeuvring challenges’. The topic clearly aligned with the aim and goals of the EDUREFORM project. Besides, gathering scholars, researchers and experts on the issue increased the collective knowledge the project has on education, 4th Industrial Revolution, innovative pedagogies, 21st century skills, teacher training…
More than 40 research papers were presented and discussed in the two parallel sessions hosted on the premises of the MSU Baroda, Department of Education. Thanks to our partners, to the presenters and to the high number of attendees in the international conference, the EDUREFORM project was able to enrich itself with expertise, academic knowledge and scientific accuracy to continue implementing our goal in the best possible manner.
Research is a scientific and systematic investigation or inquiry through the search for facts in any branch of knowledge. On the other hand, education is regarded as the aggregate of all the processes by which a person develops abilities, attitudes and other forms of behaviour of practical values in the society in which she or he lives. At EDUREFORM we are aware that education and research ought to go hand in hand in order to provide benefits to individuals and to local, regional, national and international communities involved in the education system.

Shivaji University, Kolhapur
International Workshop Empowering Teachers for Fourth Industrial Revolution
30 January 2023
On January 30th 2023, the second international workshop for the EDUREFORM Project was held at Shivaji University in Kolhapur. The topic was: ‘EDUREFORM- Empowering Teachers for the Fourth Industrial Revolution’. It was a platform for sharing knowledge and best practices for teachers, educators, and policy makers to overcome the challenges of the 4th Industrial Revolution. The workshop gathered experts, teachers and faculties from education and related fields.
The event served as a platform for teachers, policymakers, and educators to share knowledge and best practices in order to meet the challenges of the Fourth Industrial Revolution. The workshop was launched by the Honorable Pro-Vice Chancellor Prof. Dr. Sanjeev Sonawane, Savitribai Phule Pune University and Prof. Dr. Pratibha Patankar Head, Department of Education at Shivaji University. The keynote speaker during the workshop was Dr. Sangeeta Pant, Dean of the Chitkara College of Education. The chief guest, Dr. Indra Odina from the University of Latvia discussed the value of education and the learning environment.
Towards the end of the event, the special guest Dr. Bibhuti Narayan Biswal from Reliance Foundation Schools Navi Mumbai, inspired the teachers to think creatively and to engage their students to serve as ambassadors for EDUREFORM. The workshop was a wonderful learning experience overall and it marked the successful completion of the second EDUREFORM International Event.
Teachers are sometimes left isolated with huge obstacles and challenges ahead of them. At EDUREFORM, we want to support teachers and equip them with the necessary tools to thrive in times of Artificial Intelligence and the 4th Industrial Revolution.

Savitribai Phule Pune University, Pune
International Symposium Engaging Learners in Learning
4 February 2023

On February 4th, Savitribai Phule Pune University organised the EDUREFORM 3rd International Event taking the form of an engaging international symposium on the topic ‘Engaging learners in learning’.
The event was opened by their Hon. Pro Vice Chancellor, Prof. Dr Sanjeev Sonawane. Dr Sangeeta Pant, coordinator of EDUREFORM explained to the audience the journey of EDUREFORM, our achievements and future objectives. How long have we come… Dr Vaibhav Jadhav, Assistant Professor at SPPU briefed the more than 50 participants on the agenda of the day. Celia Gueto Melo, Project Manager gave her vote of thanks with a special emphasis on the hard work and coordination of SPPU Innovation Manager, Nidhi Waldia and reminding all attendees that the beauty of ERASMUS+ and EDUREFORM goes beyond education, it is about the friendship, the opportunities, breaking down stereotypes and learning from each other.
The first session of the day was facilitated by Essi Silvennoinen and Anu Mustonen from JAMK University of Applied Sciences who led a very interactive activity to challenge teachers to understand the importance of interaction and communication in the classroom. The activity even included some local Finnish dancing!
After the lunch break, Shwetabh Verma, a specialist driving community-led impact with innovation and design facilitated a session on Design Thinking and Founder & CEO, Veja Du and ADISYAM. He grasped the interest of the audience by highlighting the importance design play in our daily life and the impact it can have for the betterment of our societies.
Lastly, the EDUREFORM Latvian team composed of Indra Odina, Ilze Mikelsone, Anna Stavicka and Ligita Grigule organised a session on ‘student-teacher relationship for effective learning’. They started with a quick math game that showed the audience the power of cooperation and peer-learning. It was beautiful to see how in spite of our different origins and cultures all teachers speak a common language and have a common goal: equip students for a happier, brighter future.
The event ended with the valedictory ceremony where Maharashtra SCERT officials blessed the participants with their knowledge and alongside the special guests they awarded a certificate to each facilitator and attendee of the International Symposium. After, the certificate distribution, Dr Nisha Valvi, Associate Professor gave the vote of thanks and asked the participants to make the most out of the connections and learnings made.
EDUREFORM goes beyond teachers and students, we build a real platform and community of educators that have a common goal to bring creativity, critical and analytical thinking skills in the classrooms.

Chitkara University, Punjab
International Workshop The Pedagogical Workshop & Exhibition
6 May 2023

On 6th May, 2023 Chitkara University organised the EDUREFORM 4th International Event which was named as “EDUREFORM EXPO: The pedagogical workshop and exhibition”. The event was officially opened by seeking the blessings of God and lighting the lamp which was initiated by Hon. Dr. Madhu Chitkara, Mr. Vasudevan Natarajan, Dr. Niyati Chitkara, Prof. Sanjeev Sonawane, Dr. Satish Pathak,
Prof. Dr. Pratibha Patankar, Dr. Sangeeta Pant and Dr. Gipson Varghese. The book “EDUREFORM HANDOUT for Innovative Pedagogy” was launched at the event.
Mr. Vasudevan was invited to give his expert talk on “Reformations in EDUTECH Landscapes”. He mainly focused on how teachers can use technology to go hand in hand with the education of students. He used two applications and AI tools named ‘plickers’ and ‘’ which can be easily accessed in the classrooms by the educators for an interesting and innovative style of teaching. The audience included the in-service secondary school teachers, B.Ed and M.Ed students of the University and the Master trainers from the Partner universities.
After the inauguration of the EDURFEORM EXPO, the event was continued at the D-Art Gallery at Chitkara University. All the participants exhibited their stalls and some innovative tools in a very impressive manner. A total of nine stalls were there and were exclusive. The participants presented their innovative pedagogical tools using audio/visual means. Some paved the way for the tool with the help of some interesting games like Snakes and Ladder, pick-a-chit etc.
The list of the tools:
- Department of Education, Shivaji University, Kolhapur – presented IOT, Transdisciplinary teaching model, Snake and Ladder innovative Model, E-Content Module for Learning Numismatics and Impression Model of Teaching.
- Savitribai Phule Pune University, Pune – presented Project Based learning and Socratic questioning.
- Immersive and Interactive Technologies Lab (IITL) Chitkara University, Punjab – presented Augmented Reality
- Chitkara International School, Chandigarh – presented STEM SET GO
- Chitkara School of Psychology and Counselling – presented House-Tree-Person, Thematic Apperception Test, Muller Layer Illusion, Lemon-persona experiment and The Mind Catch.
- The Maharaja Sayajirao University of Baroda, Vadodara – presented Storytelling for Value and Thinking (STVT)
- CXS Solutions India Pvt. Ltd., Kerala – presented Xelfer – Skills Profiling and Team Map.
- Chitkara Department of Education, Chitkara University, Punjab – presented Analogies, Display Board, Print Material, Comic Strip, Flash Card, Map, Newspaper, Graphic Aids, Experiment, Hands-on Activity and Films.
- Chitkara University Language center – presented Cloud-based Language laboratory (Princeton hive mylanguage lab), AI assessment tool (Princeton hive grad), British Council English score app and Reading Speed calculator.

After the successful exhibit of all the stalls, certificate distribution ceremony took place. The certificates were distributed to the participants, exhibitors, volunteers and the organizers by Dr. Sangeeta Pant, Dr. Col. Rakesh Sharma, Dr. Vani Parwez and Dr. Stefano Greco.
We would like to express our gratitude for taking the time out of your busy schedule to be a part of the EDUREFORM EXPO. Your presence and contribution to the event made it a huge success and we are grateful for your participation. We hope that you all enjoyed the event as much as we did and had a positive experience.
Once again, thank you for being a part and for sharing your expertise and experience with us!
Università Telematica - IUL, Italy
Student Mobility Inaugural Event CLIL In the Erasmus+ Programme for the Internationalization of the School
22 February 2023
In November 2022, the EDUREFORM project launched what is for us one of the most important, rewarding and valuable components of our project: the student mobility. Innovation and Project Managers have been working tirelessly with the members of the expert members of the Consortium to offer to students a unique internship under the EDUREFORM Grant. It has taken a lot of coordination and preparatory work but we can now finally bear the fruit of our efforts.
On the 20th of February 4 students from The Maharaja Sayajirao University of Baroda, Chitkara and Savitirbai Phule Pune University embarked on an adventure and learning journey that will truly be life-changing. The 4 brilliant students were awarded an EDUREFORM scholarship to become interns under Universit’a Telematica – IUL, guided by our esteemed educator, Dr Letizia Cinganotto. The students Kalyani, Avneesh, Harshita and Mariyam participated will be trainees for 3 weeks in a boarding school in Rome, partner of IUL.
You cannot imagine how well received our students have been in Italy. In fact, an inaugural event was organised to kickstart the EDUREFORM mobility in the school. Dr Stefano Greco welcomed the audience with a short video from India, then Dr Letizia Cinganotto explained the achievements of EDUREFORM and reminded to the students the huge opportunity to grow that is ahead of them. Then, Kalyani, Avneesh, Harshita and Mariyam introduced their institutions highlighting the EDUREFORM activities organised. The event even counted with Italian members from the Ministry of Education. EDUREFORM is truly making an impact! We can wait to hear more about the experience of our students….

Liceo Artistico Coreutico E Musicale Candiani Bausch, Italy
Seminar Enhance Critical, Analytical and Creative Thinking in Education Environment
7 September 2023
On the 7th of September, a significant event unfolded, marked by Mr. Marco Gheraldi‘s official welcome to distinguished guests and dignitaries. The Mayor of Busto Arsizio, Mr. Emanuele Antonelli, expressed anticipation for cultural gatherings, extending a warm welcome to the esteemed attendees. The event began by acknowledging Ms. T. Ajungla Jamir, the Consul General of India in Milan, who congratulated the consortium for conceiving the Edureform project. Ms. Jamir shared personal educational insights and discussed her role as Consul General.
Dr. Prof. Vijay Kumar Srivastav delivered a compelling keynote, expressing gratitude for the invitation. Prof. Sanjeev Sonawane emphasized education’s crucial role, particularly in preparing students for higher education and research. Dr. Maria Silanos, the School principal, expressed gratitude for hosting the Erasmus Plus event, tracing the school’s history. Dr. Andrea Monteduro, the former principal, shared fond memories, emphasizing his belief that a school should be a place where happiness prevails. Dr. Honey Chitkara added a creative touch, presenting a rhyme highlighting each EDUREFORM tool’s significance. Dr. Sangeeta Pant provided an overview of the project’s journey, emphasizing key milestones.
Ms. Patrizia Patrizia shared insights into their school’s involvement and contributions to the EDUREFORM Project’s success. Ms. Maria discussed student mobility and the enriching experiences of eight Indian students at Liceo Artistico. Dr. Letizia Cinganotto outlined the student mobility process, sharing past experiences and readiness to host more students. Prof. Gisella Lange highlighted CLIL’s importance in education, emphasizing India’s role due to its multi-lingual culture.
In the final session, Dr. Brunella Alfinito from the IED European Institute of Design discussed nurturing student creativity, emphasizing the significance of exploration. The day concluded with a musical interlude and certificates, symbolizing collaborative learning for educational excellence. This event encapsulated a day of enriching experiences and insights, emphasizing the continuous pursuit of educational excellence through collaboration.

Università Telematica - IUL, Italy
Seminar CLIL Innovation and Internationalization
9 October 2023

On 9 October 2023, at IIS San Benedetto in Latina, the international seminar titled “CLIL, INNOVATION, AND INTERNATIONALIZATION” took place as part of the Erasmus Plus project “EDUREFORM.” Prof. Letizia Cinganotto, the project coordinator for the Italian university partner, IUL Telematic University led the event with the support of Prof. Dr. Stefano Greco from Chitkara University, India, with scientific supervision provided by Professor Laura Cogrossi, an English teacher at San Benedetto, acted as the coordinator of the network between the participating institutes.
The seminar explored the significance of languages and the CLIL methodology as tools for cultivating and enhancing skills applicable in any professional domain. Prof. Letizia Cinganotto elucidated the project’s goal: “to guide Indian teachers and students towards the Fourth Industrial Revolution, encouraging a reevaluation of the educational system and school curriculum in the digital age through the comparison and exchange of innovative teaching practices.”
After this succinct introduction, the stage was taken by Indian students who offered insights into India’s culture, festivals, significant monuments, and forts. They also discussed India’s advancements in digitalization compared to the rest of the world, highlighting the Indian space rocket, Chandrayaan 3, as the first to reach the southern region of the Moon. The students concluded their presentation with a delightful surprise for all participants, leaving everyone in awe, and, in some instances, with moist eyes.
Following the presentation, students from both India and Italy engaged in an interactive group workshop, discussing their experiences in English based on a series of stimulus questions. Alongside the main event, an Italian student and an Indian student teacher publicly presented the work accomplished by their respective groups.

Savitribai Phule Pune University, Pune
Promotion of EDUREFORM Curricula
4 December 2023

The Department of Education and Extension at Savitribai Phule Pune University organized a noteworthy gathering for B.Ed. College Principals, focusing on the theme of “Fostering Quality of Teacher Education” on December 4, 2023. The primary objective of this gathering was to inaugurate and introduce the course titled “Fostering Personal Development and Social Progress,” designed for undergraduate students across all faculties and affiliated colleges. Concurrently, the meeting served as a platform to advocate for the EDUREFORM Curricula. Dr. Vaibhav Jadhav took the lead in elucidating the EDUREFORM project’s purpose and its overarching goals. Following this insightful introduction, the EDUREFORM Handbook for Innovative Pedagogy was disseminated to the 28 Principals representing teacher education institutes in Pune. The event was graced by the esteemed presence of Pro-VC, SPPU Prof. Dr. Parag Kalkar; Director, School of Education, SPPU Prof. Dr. Vilas Adhav; HOD, Department of Education and Extension, SPPU Dr. Geeta Shinde, and Dr. Leson Azadi, Director, Baha’i Academy, Panchgani.
A pivotal highlight of the event centered on accentuating the significance of nurturing creative, critical, and analytical thinking skills among pre-service teachers. The objective is to empower them to effectively educate the future leaders of India, the students in Indian schools. Principals from all B.Ed. colleges reflected on the paramount importance of elevating the quality of teacher education to remain pertinent in the era of the Fourth Industrial Revolution. The event served as a poignant reminder of the critical role played by initiatives like EDUREFORM in cultivating creative, critical, and analytical thinking skills among students. By providing training for both in-service and pre-service teachers, EDUREFORM emerges as a beacon of progress, preparing educators to meet the evolving needs of education in the contemporary landscape. The collaborative efforts showcased in this gathering underscore the commitment to shaping an educational paradigm that aligns with the demands of the 21st century.